Machines dispatched as on 28.02.25

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Kam-avida Logo


To be the best in class in the area of mechanized cleaning and maintenance by continuing to exceed customer expectation in the areas of product performance, price and delivery while improving our Operational Efficiency @ 10% per annum. Further, in continuing to remain process oriented, we must maintain an environment that enables each of our team members to emerge as situational leaders and evolve to be better human beings.


I, as an independent economic entity must be financially self sufficient and my operations must be carried out in the spirit of Yagna, wherein all Kam- team members offer their best services in the respective areas of their specialization for my overall well being and in doing so, collectively share the rewards that are created. While transacting both internally and externally my team must strive to ensure that it creates an experience that exceeds one's expectation and further maintains a conducive work environment for the peace and prosperity of all.

Gone are the days when an abundant supply of unskilled labour is available to carry out manaul waste management programs. Education, legislation, awareness of health hazards, has in fact created a shortage of relevant man power, thereby compelling maintenance authorities to mechanise their cleaning & maintenance programs.

Cleaning & Maintenance with Ease & Dignity
Cleaning & Maintenance with Ease & Dignity

We are a dedicated group of like minded professionals committed to the task of bringing about mechanization in the areas of cleaning and maintenance, in a country where this task has been traditionally carried out manually; using improvised tools and tackles.

Our manufacturing facility is situated in Hinjewadi Pune, spanning over 80,000 sq. ft. We are over 100 people strong, specializing in back end services such as Engineering & Design, Research & Development, Production Planning & Control, Purchase, Quality Assurance, Stores, Production, Commercial, Finance & a pan-India After Sales Service. As the Industry's first and only ISO 9001:2015 certified manufacturer in the Industry, be rest assured that we have the solution to your every problem.

We are an ISO 9001 : 2015.

ISO 9001 : 2015

Our Timeline

  • KAEE's KAMJET GR wins the Government of India - AMRUT Technology Challenge Award for the best solution to eradicate Manual Scavenging in India.
  • KAEE becomes the Industrys first and only company to be ISO 9001 : 2015 compliant.
  • KAEE certifies M/s. Macweld Corporation, M/s. Aceme Industies, M/s. Raj Enterprises, M/s. Sai Shradha Engineering, M/s.Fine Filtration Technology Pvt.Ltd, M/s.Siddhakala Engineering Works as KAEE authorised External Providers.
  • With years of skill and expertise, KAEE celebrates its 20 year anniversary with over 5000 machines plying nationwide and a special Voice of Customer Initiative to get field insight into machine operation.
  • Our Prime Minister - Narendra Modi launches the Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan in India and KAEE pledges its full support to this campaign towards cleanliness.
  • KAEE bulilt Indias first Recycler in assocaition with Dietmar Kaiser, Switzerland. This is also the year KAEE, as authorized India dealers, was invited to UK for the launch of the M/s Johnston Sweepers Limited - VT 651e Sweeper.
  • With sales surpassing 55 Crores and branch offices in Delhi, Kolkatta, Mumbai and Chennai our main head office and factory in Poona was spruced up to a capacity of 80,000 sq feet with a After Sales Service Facility.
  • With growth comes a host of internal process improvements. KAEE appoints M/s HR Solutions to put in place clear organizational structure, performance management systems, learning and development schedules, talent management programs etc. For personality development, KAEE beginsMonday morning one hour lectures on human values and self development by the Vedanta Academy, Malavli.
  • A jump in sales to 23 Crores as well as Private Equity Funding by M/s Peepul Capital. KAEE is ever thankful and proud to have on board - Mr. Sandeep Reddy, Mr. Venkat, Mr. Rajgopal and Ms. Payal Goel.
  • KAEE adds a new sales vertical to address the recovery of industrial spillages (cement and other bulk, free flowing material of both volatile and non-volatile hydro carbons) resulting in the launch of 2 new machines - the Kamvac IVC and the Kamvac Petro Series.
  • KAEE becomes ISO compliant and moves to 3D Modelling of Designs and Drawings.
  • A milestone year for KAEE - a sale of over 7.5 Crores, launching India's first IS Compliant Sewer Cleaning Rods, deploying 12 nos Suction cum Jetting machines to Delhi Jal Board on a Build-Own-Operate basis with a team of 57 members!
  • Amid professional differences and Board dissolution - KAEE launches a range of Rear End Loading Garbage Compactors christened the KAMPAC Series.
  • From a parking lot, to a 500 sq feet shed in Kirkee, and onwards to a 5000 sq feet. factory in Poona's coveted industrial estate - Hinjewadi.
  • KAEE launches its first manufactured product - the Retriever. Manufactured in the car park of Dadachanji's residence amidst neighbourly battles. This is followed by India's first trolley-mounted motorised cable spinner - the Kambore 1075 and many more handheld drain cleaning machines.
  • Mr. Avinash Bhende and Mr.Porus Dadachanji join Kam Associates to create a new entity - KAM-AVIDA ENVIRO ENGG PVT LTD. A manufacturing company committed to the promise of Cleaning and Maintenance with Ease and Dignity.
  • Kam Associates receives its first Civic Body order from Aurangabad Municipal Corporation followed by a Cidco, Mumbai order with a 5 years Operation & Maintenance.
  • With the marketing rights for manual drain clears of TTG Industries, sales of Kam Associates grow from 8 Lakh to 1 Crore with 4 Sales Personnel and a second-hand Maruti Omni.
  • On 15th April, Kam Associates comes into being with Mr. Pankaj Malhotra, Mr. Manohar Krishna, a paid up capital of INR 501 and huge desire to succeed.

Machine Dispatch Journey