360 degree survey for providing a first hand feedback to all the HOG’s on aspect related to...
A new factory facility of over 80,000 sq. was created, which also accommodated the su...
Initiatives like Quality Circle & Quantity month are now an annual event
Built India’s first Recycler in association with Dietmer Kaiser, Leinchenstien, a prin...
Designed, installed and commissioned, 3 Transfer Stations for handling 300 TPD per day. for M/s J...
Purchased a plot of 10,000 sq ft in the neighbourhood, to set up an independent ServiceCente...
Installed a Product Date Management Software Team Centre
Got the existing REL compactor design verified from Tooltech, the recommendations are being imple...
Broke down MSD presale into distinct operations - Tendering, Marketing Services and Commercial -->
Finished the first phase of implementation of HRMS, i.e. Payroll
MSD was successful in wining a few, large international competitive bids (CB’s) such as PWD...
The hi-flo series which was initially launched, and sold to private contractors namely Rubicon,Pa...
Hived off Railways from CSD and started an independent division called RSD. To focus on track cle...
The strategy for CSD to expand with their product offering met with great success
CSD sold its first truck-mounted sweeper 650C to NDA, and followed by two sweepers to MEPL, Mumba...
Sale of Kamsweep 3AT grew by leaps and bounds in the CSD market. Also, they have sold more than 5...
LSD launched and sold back-to-process and contact-less sweepers
Aug. 2011 – Sale of Johnston sweepers, was the highest with 30 number, ...
Opened Kolkata office, which is the fourth in the list of regional offices at all the four metros...
Some of the older tradition still continues like Annual Seva day, Picnic (pics of the same), with...
Finalised Balance sheets well in time. Successful in getting higher enhancements and term loans f...
Sept. 2011 – Second round of funding by Peepul Capital
Mr. MK and Mr. PRD went to MacDonald Johnston to understand the nature of their Operations and th...
Feb. 2012 – A team from Bucher Industries,Zurich visited us to understand our Operatio...
Feb. 2012 – Bagged the first ever order of cleaning of runway through the sales of multitas...